Saturday, May 16, 2020

Marriages, Families and Relatiohsips - 821 Words

Page 24 Chapter 1 3. What important changes in family patterns do you see today? Today I see family patterns change in many perspectives ways. Families are more independent. They form their own opinions in their decision making. Do you see positive changes, negative changes, or both? I would have to say that I see both positive and negative changes in families. The positive that I see is that many husbands are more involved with their children and even some are now stay home dads taking care of the children while women go to work, the negative that I see is that there are many people filing for divorce and children being raised by single parents. What do they mean for families, in your opinion? My opinion is that most people are†¦show more content†¦What social policies do we need to maintain or develop to care for children and the elderly? Page 25 3. What important changes in family patterns do you see today? Important changes in family patterns I see today are more independency and the value of family is coming back into perspective. Do you see positive changes, negative changes, or both? I see both positive and negative changes in families today. The positive I see are fathers being more involved in their kids’ lives rather than just the moms and the negative I see is more single parent families. What do they mean for families, in your opinion? In my opinion that means that people are not taking family as serious as they should and I also think there is a huge lack of respect in relationships which is why there are many people not staying together these days. 4. What are some examples of a personal or family problem that is at least partly a result of problems in the society? I think the best example of both personal and family problems that is at least a result of problems in the society is a lack of respect. There is a lack of respect for people towards each other and the homes of families. Common courtesy has completely gone out the window somewhere along the line. Page 49 2. Choose a magazine photo and analyze its content from one of the perspectives described in this chapter. Then analyze the photo from another theoretical perspective. How do your

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